Links to search engines and additional apologetics resources Christian Links
Search Engines
An excellent way to search the net! Enter your keywords and receive hits from multiple search engines.
One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
My personal favorite. Google has over 3 billion websites indexed. If you can't find it on Google, it probably can't be found.
Great search engine. Easy to see why it is so popular with websurfers.
Favorite Sites
Cross + Word - Banner Ministries
Webmaster Tricia Tillin has amassed a real treasure trove of information on false teachings in the church, current events, links to other discernment sites, and much more!
Christian Research Institute
Hank Hanegraaff is the president of CRI. You may know him as The Bible Answer Man, a program heard on hundreds of radio stations across the Unites States and Canada. Excellent source for Christian apolegetics materials. Many free articles on various teachings, ministries, and church history and doctrine.
Apologetics Index
Your one-stop center for thousands of articles and reports on trends and teachings in the church today and in times past. Lots of help in rightly dividing the Word of God!
The Door Magazine
Pretty much the world's only Christian satire magazine. Defends true Christianity by illustrating how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is sometimes used for personal gain.
Let Us Reason
Exposes the error in many popular teachings in the church today, particularly in charismatic/word of faith circles.
Ross Institute
Certainly one of the best organized websites on the net! A plethora of information on current and past news/events in the Christian world.
Trinity Foundation, Inc.
An organization founded and led by Ole Anthony. Gained recognition as a ministry watchdog group in the early 1990s. Worked with Prime Time Live to expose Robert Tilton, Larry Lea, and others.
Deception In The Church
Based in Hawaii, this website is an excellent resource on false teachings. A large website with volumes of pertinent information!
Christian Research Ministries
A ministry revealing apostasy causing false teachings and doctrines, false prophecy